• #1 1 pt(s)

    A: Hey, Bob! What are you doing? B: I'm ________ for my friend's graduation present.

  • #2 1 pt(s)

    David usually has a ________ of toast for breakfast. Resposta incorreta

  • #3 1 pt(s)

    A: How much pasta do you eat? B: I eat ________ of pasta, actually.

  • #4 1 pt(s)

    No, Sunny ________ done the dishes.

  • #5 1 pt(s)

    A: Are there any sheets on the bed? B: Yes, ________.

  • #6 1 pt(s)

    A: Do you think Dave wants coffee? B: ________. He never drinks coffee.

  • #7 1 pt(s)

    I'm really ________. I didn't eat lunch today.

  • #8 1 pt(s)

    A: How was your weekend? B: ________, thank you.

  • #9 1 pt(s)

    A: Can ________? B: Yes, of course. I'll tell him after class.

  • #10 1 pt(s)

    A: Is there a theater around here? B: ________.

  • #11 1 pt(s)

    What ________ you do last Friday?

  • #12 1 pt(s)

    A: Are they from S?o Paulo? B: Yes, ________.

  • #13 1 pt(s)

    A: ________. B: No problem. The movie doesn't start till 8p.m.

  • #14 1 pt(s)

    ________ Paul take the bus?

  • #15 1 pt(s)

    Is the Atlantic ________ than the Pacific Ocean?

  • #16 1 pt(s)

    A: Does that come with tea? B: ________.

  • #17 1 pt(s)

    ________ writes for magazines and newspapers.

  • #18 1 pt(s)

    A: How about going to the ________? B: I'm sorry. I don't like going on rides.

  • #19 1 pt(s)

    Athletes ________ exercise a lot.

  • #20 1 pt(s)

    My mother's ________ is my aunt.

Você deve responder o Quiz antes de conferir o resultado
Quiz criado por Cursos Ways em 18/07/2014 e atualizado em 21/07/2014. Esse quiz foi resolvido 393 vezes.

Racha Cuca+