29 (Fatec 2013 - 1º Semestre - Prova)

(Texto para responder às questões de números 25 a 29)

No mesmo trecho do terceiro parágrafo – (...) particularly ones tailored for community colleges and low-income young people. – a palavra tailored pode ser substituída, sem alteração do sentido do texto, por

Tópicos dessa questão: Inglês
28 (Fatec 2013 - 1º Semestre - Prova)

(Texto para responder às questões de números 25 a 29)

No terceiro parágrafo, o pronome ones em – (...) particularly ones tailored for community colleges and low-income young people. – refere-se a

Tópicos dessa questão: Inglês
27 (Fatec 2013 - 1º Semestre - Prova)

(Texto para responder às questões de números 25 a 29)

A opinião de Bill Gates acerca do uso de tecnologia para ensinar crianças, do jardim da infância à quinta série, é de que

Tópicos dessa questão: Inglês
Tópicos dessa questão: Inglês
25 (Fatec 2013 - 1º Semestre - Prova)

Considere o texto a seguir para responder às questões de números 25 a 29.

In (1)Higher Education, a Focus on Technology By STEVE LOHR

The education gap facing the nation’s work force is evident in the numbers. Most new jobs will require more than a high school education, yet fewer than half of Americans under 30 have a (2)postsecondary degree of any kind. Recent state budget cuts, education experts agree, promise to make closing that gap even more difficult.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and four nonprofit education organizations are beginning an ambitious initiative to address that challenge by accelerating the development and use of online learning tools.

An initial $20 million round of money, from the Gates Foundation, will be for postsecondary online courses, particularly ones tailored for community colleges and low-income young people. Another round of grants, for high school programs, is scheduled for next year.

Just how effective technology can be in improving education — by making students more effective, more engaged learners — is a subject of debate. To date, education research shows that good teachers matter a lot, class size may be less important than once thought and nothing improves student performance as much as onon-one human tutoring.

If technology is well designed, experts say, it can help tailor the learning experience to individual students, facilitate student-teacher collaboration, and assist teachers in monitoring student performance each day and in quickly fine-tuning lessons.

The potential benefits of technology are greater as students become older, more independent learners. Making that point, Mr. Gates said in an interview that for children from kindergarten to about fifth grade “the idea that you stick them in front of a computer is (3)ludicrous.”

  • (1) higher education: educação superior.
  • (2) postsecondary: termo que se refere aos cursos feitos após o high school ou, no modelo educacional brasileiro, o Ensino Médio.
  • (3) ludicrous: ridícula, absurda.

(http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/11/technology/11online.html Acesso em 20.09.2012. Adaptado)

Sobre o uso da tecnologia no processo educacional e de acordo com o quarto parágrafo do artigo, pode-se afirmar que

Tópicos dessa questão: Inglês
29 (Fatec 2012 - 2º Semestre - Prova)

(Fight the Violence! - texto para responder às questões de números 25 a 29)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a forma correta da voz ativa para o trecho em destaque na seguinte passagem do texto: Kennedy’s Operation Ceasefire, as it has come to be known, has been implemented in more than 70 cities.


O gabarito oficial apresenta a alternativa A como correta, entretanto não há alternativa correta.

Tópicos dessa questão: Inglês
Tópicos dessa questão: Inglês
27 (Fatec 2012 - 2º Semestre - Prova)

(Fight the Violence! - texto para responder às questões de números 25 a 29)

O pronome objeto them empregado em – offered them assistance in getting off the streets – refere-se a

Tópicos dessa questão: Inglês
Tópicos dessa questão: Inglês
25 (Fatec 2012 - 2º Semestre - Prova)

Texto para as questões 25 a 29.

Fight the Violence!
Oct 14, 2011 6:53 PM EDT

What if gang violence in America could be reduced just by talking? Professor and activist David Kennedy talks with Ben Crair about his new book, Don’t Shoot, criticism of his plan, and the economics of gangs.

In 1995, David M. Kennedy went to Boston on behalf of1 Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government to study violent crime. Like many American cities at that time, Boston was suffering a wave of homicides. After linking up with a special Boston Police Department task force, Kennedy and his team recognized that most of the killing was the work of a small handful of identifiable gang members. Rather than locking them all up, they tried something new: They met with the gang members and community leaders, offered them assistance in getting off the streets, and warned them that, if any single gang member committed another murder2, they would crack down3 on the entire group. Crime dropped almost overnight, and Kermedy’s “Operation Ceasefire,” as it has come to be known, has been implemented in more than 70 cities, addressing issues from gun violence to drug markets to juvenile robberies. Now, Kennedy recounts his experiences in a new book, Don‘t Shoot: One Man, a Street Fellowship, and the End of Violence in Inner-City America.

(Newsweek. 14.10.2011. Adaptado)

  • (1) on behalf of: em nome de
  • (2) murder: assassinato
  • (3) crack down: usar de repressão com punição severa

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o motivo correto pelo qual David M. Kennedy foi a Boston.

Tópicos dessa questão: Inglês

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